The Nawal Org




Agroshine Center (Agriculture Enterprise & Support Center) is self-sustainable revenue, contribution and grant based model. The objective of this model is to raise the annual income & alternative income also of small and marginal farmers & develop the agri enterpunership. 

The model focuses on multidimantional actives farming, trading & production as a social & economical enterprise across the agricultural value chains and restrategizing extension services through a demand–led market based mechanisms through establishing a village based progressive farmer led extension system which is modularized and linked with the block level Agroshine Center (Agriculture Enterprise & Support Center). 

The model focuses on small and marginal farmers treating farming as an enterprise on agricultural value chains and restrategizing extension services through a demand–led market based mechanisms, agriculture production as a profit and farmer as an entrepreneur.

Primary Activities :

  • Agriculture production as a profit
  • Farmer as an entrepreneur
  • Agriculture Enterprise & Support Center farming got trained and started doing it.

Location coverage : 

Semi urban